Economics and Finance department

The Economics and Finance department is home to world-class academics with close ties to international universities, research institutes and the world of practice.

Our economics research ranges from mathematical decision theory to economic history but has a focus on applied research that is informed by data. Academics are engaged with many aspects of public policy and have strong links to the New Zealand Policy Research Institute.

Our finance academics have strengths in corporate finance and governance, financial markets and institutions, fund management, investments, market microstructure and international finance. Researchers also work within the Auckland Centre for Financial Research, which bridges the gap between academic and the finance industry.

Economics working paper series

Published to facilitate early debate and discussion, the economics working paper series includes work from economists within the department as well as the Business School’s New Zealand Policy Research Institute.

Working paper series

Applied Finance Letters open access journal

Applied Finance Letters is an open access journal publishing mainly empirical research for industry and academia. It aims to encourage high quality contributions that foster discussion.

Applied Finance Letters on Tuwhera

Use real-time finance data

Get hands-on experience by using the same technology as global finance professionals. Our Business School Trading Room houses real-time databases – helping our finance students better understand economic events and the factors that affect them.

Databases include Thomson Reuters EIKON, Thomson Reuters Datastream, Thomson Reuters Tick History, Morningstar Direct, Standard & Poor’s Compustat Global and Audit Analytics.

Trading room at AUT Business School

Kelly Nicholson
Lewis Edmond
Linh Chi Huynh
Alex Mazzone-Pitt
Alex Dam

Contact us

Carolyn Saulsberry
Department Coordinator
Phone: +64 9 921 9999 ext 33100

View department staff

QS Subject Ranked

QS Subject Ranked

Senior Couple Pension And Retirement. Elderly Family Money
AUT finance students- Team Alpha
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Low-paying workers
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Senior Couple Pension And Retirement. Elderly Family Money
KiwiSaver shakeup has pros and cons
04 Feb, 2025
Proposed changes would make it easier for KiwiSaver managers to invest in private assets - but also bring concerns that may outweigh any benefits.
AUT finance students- Team Alpha
Global win for AUT finance students
20 Nov, 2024
Congratulations to a team of AUT finance students who have won a prestigious international case competition.
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AUT finance research helps us get Sorted
04 Jul, 2023
AUT research has helped Sorted launch a money personality quiz to help us understand how we spend our money and where we need to focus.
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What’s your money personality?
19 Jun, 2023
Are you a big spender or an anxious saver? New research finds five distinct money personalities that drive how we manage and make decisions about money.
Low-paying workers
Low-pay jobs: dead end or steppingstone?
01 May, 2023
New AUT research explores whether low-wage workers can easily transition to better-paying opportunities.