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Snapper fish in the ocean
Christmas Island, Kiribati.
The Whare Ora team standing in front of portable house.
Senior Couple Pension And Retirement. Elderly Family Money
News pattern
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2025 NZ sustainability survey launches
11 Feb, 2025
The annual Insights on NZ’s Sustainability Professionals survey opens today and as a survey partner, AUT is inviting eligible participants to take part.
Snapper fish in the ocean
Shift in NZ snapper behaviour
10 Feb, 2025
An AUT led team of scientists have uncovered a dramatic shift in the movement patterns of New Zealand’s snapper, which could aid restoration initiatives.
Christmas Island, Kiribati.
Rift highlights drivers of foreign aid
07 Feb, 2025
The NZ-Kiribati diplomatic rift shows how personalities and misunderstanding can often drive foreign policy and aid, says AUT Law School’s Sione Tekiteki.
The Whare Ora team standing in front of portable house.
Māori lead innovative housing projects
05 Feb, 2025
A community-run housing initiative in Te Tairāwhiti (East Coast) shows that innovative approaches to home ownership can be found within communities.
Senior Couple Pension And Retirement. Elderly Family Money
KiwiSaver shakeup has pros and cons
04 Feb, 2025
Proposed changes would make it easier for KiwiSaver managers to invest in private assets - but also bring concerns that may outweigh any benefits.

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