Yue (Renee) Zhang

Yue (Renee) Zhang

Master of Marketing student

She decided to study the Master of Marketing because she was interested in branding and campaigns, says Yue (Renee) Zhang who came to AUT as an international student from China.

“My undergraduate degree from a different university had double majors in marketing and management, and I realised that I preferred the marketing field because of my passion for branding and campaigns. After graduation I spent a few years working in customer relationship management, which is related to marketing. I decided to accumulate more professional knowledge and combine it with more work practice, and I’m looking forward to a career in the marketing field in my future.”

Renee wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the Master of Marketing to others.

“I’ve appreciated the relevance and diversity of the curriculum, the quality of the lecturers and the high frequency of interaction with the students. AUT’s well-established facilities are also worthy of my recommendation.”

Choosing AUT
Renee says AUT stood out when she was looking into different universities for her marketing degree,

“I had heard that AUT is a young and dynamic university with a more practical and hands-on approach to learning. We often engage in real case studies or can connect with companies that provide valuable industry experience. The lecturers also often organise group discussions where we can share our ideas. Another aspect I like is that the Master of Marketing is a one-year programme, and the enrolment is more flexible as you can start your studies in October; not just in February or July.”

Studying in New Zealand is very much about the balance between life and study, she says.

“In addition to my studies, I like to hike, travel and ski, so I love the pace of life in New Zealand. New Zealand is a multicultural country with students and immigrants from all over the world. By studying here I have the opportunity to interact with people from many different cultural backgrounds, and enjoy the tolerant and friendly community atmosphere.”

Advice for other students
Expecting to complete her studies at the end of the year, Renee has some great advice for other students.

“Make full use of the resources, including the AUT library, career guidance and community activities. Study hard, but also take care to keep your mind and body healthy and maintain a balanced lifestyle.”

Ask for help if you ever need it, she adds.

“Don't be afraid to ask for help if you encounter difficulties or challenges – there are many resources and people at the university who can provide support and guidance. You should also be active in extracurricular activities, internships and volunteer work to broaden your horizons and build relationships.”