Students with mental health conditions

We support students who have a mental health diagnosis and acknowledge that there is a range of mental health difficulties that may be lessened with a suitable academic accommodation plan.

Types of support for students with mental health conditions

You can access:

  • Information on disability-related issues
  • Support to discuss your individual needs with lecturers and academic departments
  • Strategies for accessing lecture content and notes
  • Help to manage your study load

Disability support appointment

Contact us to determine what you might need to remove the barriers preventing you from fully participating in your studies.


Verifying your disability

If you've been diagnosed with a mental health condition, please provide a letter of verification from your GP or a registered professional.

If you don’t have a diagnosis but think there is something that is impacting your study and causing you difficulties, you can talk with your GP or an AUT counsellor or mental health advisor – this is not a diagnostic service, but if you're seeking a diagnosis, the advisor will guide you through the process.

Contact us

Help at AUT

You can contact us in the way that best suits you. For any question relating to Disability Support Services:

Phone: +64 9 921 9210
