Innovation Challenge

Got an idea for a business, cause or project? Or are you already operating a startup that you'd like to tell us about? Or are you a postgraduate student hoping to commercialise your findings?

The Innovation Challenge is a great way for AUT students to explore a potential startup. Just pitch your idea (or ideas), and you could go through to the final to win from a prize pool worth up to $30,000.

What you need to know about the Innovation Challenge

You can enter as many ideas (or be in as many entering teams) as you like – and win multiple prizes.

Any enrolled student can enter – you don't need to be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident.

We encourage collaboration across AUT faculties/departments, and the venture needs to be led by an AUT student with 50% or more of the team from AUT.

Initial entries will be judged on the following criteria, and from these, finalists will be selected:

  • You understand the problem you are trying to solve
  • You understand who you customer is and your customer’s needs
  • Your solution solves the problem identified and fits with your customer's needs
  • You have identified why your solution is important and how it is unique or better than current solutions to the problem

You can enter as an individual, or part of a team.

If you enter a team, the key member and main contact must be a currently enrolled AUT student or recent graduate who was enrolled at AUT for a minimum of one semester during the competition year.

If you or your team is selected by the judges as one of the 8 finalists, you’ll present your idea to the judging panel at a Dragons’ Den-style night – The Final Pitch.

If you’re part of a team chosen for the finals, at least one member of your team needs to present your idea.

The Innovation team will help you prepare for The Final Pitch by giving you professional pitch coaching and pairing you with a mentor.

The judging panel will include entrepreneurs, industry experts and investors. Judges for the pitch night will be announced ahead of the final.

The information you disclose in your entry and the inherent intellectual property (IP) should belong to you or your team and should be the product of your own work. Ensure you have the rights to disclose the IP or confidential information of another party before you disclose it.

The Final Pitch night is a gazetted event. Gazetting opens up a six-month window of opportunity to file a New Zealand patent or design application after an idea has been displayed at a gazetted event.

AUT will not have a benefit share or shareholding in your idea or business.

The Innovation team reserves the right to disqualify any entry that, in its collective judgement, violates the letter or the spirit of the competition rules and guidelines.

Finalists will be judged based on how they perform at the final pitch event. Broadly, finalists will be judged based on their ability to demonstrate the following:

  • Innovation and creativity of the idea or solution
  • Feasibility and viability of the proposed solution
  • Potential market impact and scalability
  • Clarity and effectiveness of the presentation or demo
  • Collaboration and teamwork demonstrated by the participants

In particular, the following criteria will apply to each section:


  • Problem and solution: Participants must clearly articulate the problem they're addressing and propose a viable solution. The problem statement should be well-defined, and the proposed solution should be innovative and feasible
  • Originality: Participants must submit original ideas that have not been previously implemented or commercially launched. Plagiarism or infringement of intellectual property is strictly prohibited
  • Feasibility: Ideas should demonstrate a reasonable level of feasibility. Participants should provide evidence of the viability of their solution, such as market research, technology assessments, or proof-of-concept prototypes


  • University-funded research: Participants must be actively engaged in a research project funded by AUT or a relevant grant. The research should be related to innovation, entrepreneurship, or a specific field of study
  • Research objectives: Participants should clearly define the research objectives, methodology, expected outcomes, and potential applications or commercialisation opportunities resulting from the research project
  • Progress and results: Participants must demonstrate the progress made in their research project. They should present findings, data, or preliminary results, showcasing the potential impact and relevance of their research


  • Business description: Participants must provide a comprehensive description of their established business, including its mission, vision, goals, and core values. The description should outline the product or service offered, target market, competitive advantage, and growth strategy
  • Financial information: Participants should provide financial data related to their business, such as revenue, expenses, profitability, and funding sources. This information should be accurate, transparent and up-to-date
  • Growth and impact: Participants should highlight the growth trajectory and potential impact of their business. This can include metrics such as customer acquisition, market share, job creation, social or environmental impact, and scalability
  • Innovation and differentiation: Participants should demonstrate how their business offers innovative solutions or unique value propositions in the market. They should highlight any patents, trademarks, or intellectual property associated with their business

There is an opportunity to take part in a programme that develops your business idea and connects you to the support of other entrepreneurs and guest experts, helpful resources and of course the Innovation Challenge team.



For new business or social enterprise ideas to solve a social, environmental, or commercial problem.


For research that has the potential to be commercialised.


For established startups that are in their first 5 years of operation.

Open to all AUT students, individually or in teams. Each category has a $5000 prize, with additional prizes also up for grabs. Selected finalists will also receive extra support and mentoring to help refine their pitch.

Check back later in the semester for dates and times for information sessions and the 2024 Innovation Challenge.

2023 winner, finalists and prizes

Learn more about our most promising young entrepreneurs and the prizes from the 2023 Innovation Challenge finals held at AUT.

Learn more

Prizes from our sponsors

ET Intellectual Property

$2,500 in advice for each category

  1. Preliminary novelty search
    • Advice on whether your trademark or technology is new enough to be protectable
  2. Intellectual Property strategy
    • Actionable advice on how you can create a sustainable advantage for your business by protecting and managing the intellectual property

Joshua Woo (JW Legal)

$2500 in legal services for each category

  1. “Let’s Get Selling” package - pick and choose from:
    • Bespoke customer terms
    • Website terms of use
    • Privacy policy
  2. “Getting Investor Ready” package - pick and choose from:
    • SAFE/Convertible note template (including authorisations)
    • Capital raise strategy
  3. “Aligning the Co-Founders” package, in this case guiding the co-founders and putting in place a co-founder term sheet


Three HP laptops are getting donated as prizes for the Innovation Challenge.

Resources for student entrepreneurs

To help you prepare for the Innovation Challenge and take your startup ideas further check out our resources for student entrepreneurs.

Rules, terms and conditions

Find out what you need to know about participating in the Innovation Challenge.


Contact us

Get in touch if you have any questions about the Innovation Challenge.
