Social sciences and public policy news

Emeriti Professors

AUT awards five Professors Emeriti

26 Jun, 2019
Vice-Chancellor Derek McCormack has awarded the honorary title of Professor Emeritus to five senior professors.

NZ has dethroned GDP as a measure of success, but will Ardern's government be transformational?

Social sciences and public policy
11 Jun, 2019
Is the Government's well-being budget transformational? Dr David Hall from The Policy Observatory weighs in.
Najmah Usamn

Reflecting two months after the shooting

Social sciences and public policy
24 May, 2019
Muslim and AUT PhD student Najmah Usman writes how she is heartened and has learnt a lot in wake of the tragedy.
the fertility scene in NZ

Unequal access to fertility treatment

Social sciences and public policy
23 May, 2019
The disadvantaged are being forced to the DIY fertility scene because of the high-cost of New Zealand's regulated industry, writes Sharyn Graham Davies.
190517_Tim Maloney

Economics Professor to lead the social sciences

Social sciences and public policy
17 May, 2019
The new Head of School for AUT's School of Social Sciences and Public Policy is to be Professor Tim Maloney.
Marilyn Waring Current BWB

The Political Years

Social sciences and public policy
16 May, 2019
Professor Marilyn Waring’s autobiographical account of her extraordinary years in parliament, will be explored at the Auckland Writers Festival.
marsden - landscape

Full scholarship to study fertility

Social sciences and public policy
15 May, 2019
A $81,000 scholarship up for grabs will help ensure the disadvantaged can access fertility treatment.
62% increase in AUT researchers

62% increase in AUT researchers

30 Apr, 2019
Growing expertise to help New Zealand and the world
Giving women real choices

Giving women real choices

Social sciences and public policy
12 Apr, 2019
Associate Professor Sharyn Graham Davies has been defending women's right to choose what they wear.
They Are Us image - illustration by Ruby Jones


15 Mar, 2019
The tragic event in Christchurch today devastates us. Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their friends and families.


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