Natasha Wadia

Natasha Wadia

Associate Product Manager, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Bachelor of Business in Marketing with minors in Data Analytics for Business & Information Systems

Being able to contribute to marketing projects that positively impact the lives of infants around the world is an aspect of her work she particularly loves, says business alumna Natasha Wadia, who now works as an associate product manager at Fisher & Paykel Healthcare.

“My job allows me to use my university education to create ongoing marketing initiatives, work with global markets and create data-driven insights to support marketing decisions. I get to work alongside an incredible team in the Infant Care business to collaboratively find ways to enhance care and outcomes for the most vulnerable of patients worldwide. This role serves an immense feeling of purpose, knowing that each project goes toward supporting a life in need.

“I’m especially proud of contributing content for the F&P Neonatal App, creating a Power BI dashboard to analyse website engagement and being able to support our international offices with their marketing strategies.”

She appreciates that Fisher & Paykel Healthcare has an unmatched company culture.

“The company places importance to staff wellbeing and nurtures an inclusive, healthy and vibrant workplace environment. I particularly enjoy the cross-business-group collaboration that is heavily encouraged. As a marketer, it provides me with significant value to be able to work closely with engineers, clinical scientists, informatics specialists and many more talented individuals that have so much knowledge.”

Skills for the digitally-driven world
For Natasha, studying business has always been an obvious choice.

“Ever since I was young, I wanted to understand ‘how’ and ‘why’ things run the way they do. A degree in business always stood out to me as it offered a wide array of pathways for today’s digitally-driven landscape. A pivotal lightbulb moment for me was in my Strategic Marketing class at AUT where I gained a complete understanding of how I can effectively blend and optimise the learnings from data analytics, information systems and marketing. The learnings of fundamental data modelling and analysis platforms like Power BI are tools and skills I continue to use and adapt in my job today to identify opportunities.”

She had a number of highlights throughout her studies at AUT.

“One of the highlights at AUT, was the importance they put on collaboration in our workshops. This encouraged the collaboration of ideas, perspectives, and networking to collectively strengthen our subject knowledge. It not only enriched my communication and leadership skills, but also led me to make lifelong friendships.

“My other highlight was the workplace experience that is part of the business degree. I was able to gain invaluable first-hand experience working in a corporate marketing role, which significantly contributed to my ability to secure a graduate role straight after I graduated. I gained deeper insights into corporate culture and processes and was lucky to gain invaluable mentorship and guidance that equipped me with practical marketing and analytical skills I continue to implement today.”

Advice for other students
Natasha – who graduated from AUT in 2023 and is proud of being selected for the Dean’s Honours Roll twice during her studies – has some great advice for other students.

“Never stray from opportunities that challenge you. Those are the greatest catalysts for personal and professional development. Take the time to create a schedule that works for your needs and give yourself breaks between studying. Ask thought-provoking questions, and always be kind to yourself.”

Make the most of the connections with your classmates, she adds.

“Sometimes your biggest opportunities for growth and learning can come from the classmates that are sitting on your table, so collaborate, listen and learn from those around you.”