Access disability support

If you're Deaf or have a diagnosed disability or medical condition, and need support for any reason, contact Disability Support Services for information and support to help you participate fully in your learning.

You can access specialist advice and support if you:

  • Have a confirmed disability or diagnosis
  • Are neurodivergent or have a specific learning disability (like dyslexia, dyscalculia, Asperger’s and autistic spectrum disorders)
  • Have a mental health condition
  • Are Deaf or hard of hearing
  • Are Blind or have low vision
  • Have mobility challenges
  • Have a temporary, chronic or ongoing injury or illness


Register/contact us as soon as you can

Please contact us as early as possible to discuss how we can help you. It’s important that you register with us so we can provide you with the best support plan to help you succeed. We encourage you to get in touch with us as soon as possible. However, it's never too late during your studies to seek support and advice.



The decision to disclose information to us is personal and your information will be kept in confidence. Your transcript will not display the support you receive. In some cases, to best meet your needs, we may need to liaise with other staff or community services – we will not disclose more than is necessary.

What to expect

  • When you register with us, we'll invite you to meet with us where we'll work with you to identify what support you need for your studies at AUT.
  • Together we will develop an Academic Accommodation Plan which will outline the specific services and resources we will provide you throughout the semester. The support we offer you is designed to maximise your independence in learning and will be specific to you. If needed, AUT can also support you to access an external educational needs assessment.
  • We'll make sure your lecturers and departments know what support you need and who will provide it. If there are changes to your programme that affect what you need, you must contact us so that we can review and adapt any arrangements.
  • Your cultural identity and needs are important. You can bring a support person to your appointment if you want, or we can arrange for one of our cultural advisors to be present.

Disability Support Appointment

Contact us to determine what you might need to maximise your capabilities and independence, and make sure you can participate in your studies as much as possible.


Verifying your disability

So that we can provide you with the right resources and support, you may need to provide some documents verifying your disability.

Documentation types

You may need to provide one of the following:

  1. Medical evidence of your disability or condition
  2. Valid supporting professional assessments of your educational needs

Who can provide verification

You can get verification of your disability from:

  • An educational psychologist, or similar
  • A primary health care professional
  • A registered disability provider – like Blind Low Vision NZ or Deaf Aotearoa
  • AUT's student advisor - mental health – this is not a diagnostic service, but an advisor will talk with you and your mental health practitioner to confirm diagnoses and needs

If you're unsure about the documentation you need to provide, please contact us.

Contact us

Help at AUT

You can contact us in the way that best suits you. For any question relating to disability support services:

Phone: +64 9 921 9210
