An elective is a course of your choice you take simply for interest. It can be taken from almost any subject area at AUT. Elective courses count towards your qualification but not towards your major, minor or specialisation. If you need help with choosing and enrolling in elective courses, you can talk to your AUT school or department.
Keep the following in mind when thinking about electives:
Looking for a specific course to enrol in as part of your programme? You can search for courses by name or topic using our course search tool. To see courses at a specific level, type in the four-letter subject code and the level – for example ACCT5 to see level 5 accounting courses. Click on a course to check out the timetable and view the course descriptor.
If you need help, contact your faculty's programme team who will be able to assist you. Refer to information from your faculty to find the right contacts.
If you have a timetable clash or you want to change class times, contact your programme administrator in your faculty for help.