Paul Pang

Paul Pang

Director, Integritas Law Firm
Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Accounting
Master of Laws

Being able to meet people from all walks of life was what he enjoyed most about studying the Master of Laws, says law alumnus Paul Pang.

“The people I met throughout my studies – including those currently in the legal profession in New Zealand and overseas – have become lifelong contacts. Client referrals have become common if a conflict of duty or interest arises, particularly in the New Zealand landscape, so you know that your client will be in good hands with a colleague and fellow graduate from the AUT Master of Laws.”

He says the courses in the Master of Laws were directly applicable to the legal profession.

“For example, I still regularly and frequently apply the legal concepts that I learned in the course Sale of Land in New Zealand in disputed conveyancing matters. My lecturers were intellectually aspiring and their approach towards legal pedagogy enabled students to understand complex concepts in a straightforward manner; a skill that is crucial when working with clients.”

A rewarding career
Since graduating from AUT, Paul now enjoys his career as the director of Integritas Law Firm, which specialises in civil litigation and property disputes, working with a culturally and linguistically diverse client base who are generally first-generation migrants.

“It’s a challenging yet rewarding landscape within the field of litigation and dispute resolution – it’s about getting what your client is legally entitled to and advocating for them to the best of your ability using the most relevant and up-to-date case law. The thrill of getting exactly what your client wanted, if not more, in a reported judgment with your name as counsel is exhilarating. But you need to get the law right, and perform within the strict boundaries of the law and your ethical obligations.”

He says the skills he developed during his Master of Laws have been absolutely helpful.

“The flexibility of the degree and the availability of courses gives working lawyers a chance to improve their skills knowing that the lecturers are there to help you succeed, rather than throwing you into the deep end. The quality of my legal submissions in the areas of property law, litigation and dispute resolution has significantly improved with the knowledge I acquired from the Master of Laws programme.”

Advice for other students
Paul, who completed his Master of Laws in 2018, has some great advice for other students.

“While a Master of Laws is not a prerequisite to enter into the legal profession, practising law is a journey of never-ending learning. My advice would be to do a Master of Laws if the courses available for that semester are those you’re interested in or would assist you with the skills that you’re currently working on.”

He would highly recommend the Master of Laws to other students.

“The Master of Laws at AUT provides a hands-on and caring approach to ensure that, so long as students do their work, they will strive in their degree and will acquire knowledge they can use as a stepping stone throughout their career.”