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Tuvalu Language Week 2024

Tuvalu Language Week 2024

27 Sep, 2024
As part of Tuvalu Language Week 2024, an AUT Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing) student shares her language learning journey.
Lady Justice

NZ sentencing reforms: dogma or data?

25 Sep, 2024
The proposals ignore the fact that most of the people in the judicial system have a reduced capacity to take personal responsibility for their actions.
A plump kererū perched on a branch.

Māori knowledge of animals

24 Sep, 2024
Teachers now have new groundbreaking classroom resources on Māori knowledge of animals, and Māori concepts as they relate to animal ethics.
Elba Ramirez and Gloria Vazquez stand clapping in front of a sign promoting the LASFF 2024.

LASFF 2024 links communities together

Language and culture
23 Sep, 2024
This month AUT put on the Auckland screenings for the 22nd Latin America & Spain Film Festival.
Hells Pizza Shop

Ads from Hell: Do we love to hate them?

Communication studies
23 Sep, 2024
When it comes to controversial advertising, Hells Pizza is often pushing boundaries. But when does an ad cross the line of “acceptable” controversy?
AUT receives more funding for research

AUT research receives $7m boost

20 Sep, 2024
AUT researchers have secured $7 million in funding through the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s Endeavour Fund.
AUT hosts High Commisioner of India

AUT hosts High Commissioner of India

20 Sep, 2024
A visit by the High Commissioner of India to AUT celebrated the deepening relationship between the University and Indian institutions.
AUT City Campus Thumbnail

New appointments to AUT Council

19 Sep, 2024
The Auckland University of Technology is pleased to announce several new appointments to the AUT Council.
Adrienne Paul and Whenua Image

Law School academic advises on Whenua

18 Sep, 2024
An AUT Law School academic played a key role in Whenua, a NZ Herald-led project that raises uncomfortable issues about Aotearoa’s colonial legacy.
Group of multigenerational people hugging each other.

What do we mean by wellbeing?

Social sciences and public policy
17 Sep, 2024
The measurement of wellbeing worldwide should be extended to include concepts of collective wellbeing.


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