Gilkison A, Pairman S, McAra-Couper J, Kensington M, James L. (2016). Midwifery. Midwifery education in New Zealand: Education, practice and autonomy ISSN 0266-6138 DOI 10.1016/j.midw.2015.12.001
Fadyl, J. & Payne, D. (2016). Socially constructed ‘value’ and vocational experiences following neurological injury,. Disability & Rehabilitation DOI:10.3109/09638288.2015.1116620
Gilkison, A., Giddings, L., & Smythe, L. (2015). Real life narratives enhance learning about the ‘art and science’ of midwifery practice. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 21(1), 19-32.
Gilkison, A., McAra-Couper, J., Gunn, J., Crowther, S., Hunter, M., Macgregor, M., & Hotchin, C. (2015). Midwifery practice arrangements which sustain case loading Lead Maternity Carer midwives in New Zealand. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal (51), 11-16.
Young C, Smythe L, McAra-Couper J. (2015> Burnout: Lessons from the lived experience of case loading midwives. International Journal of Childbirth 5(3):154-165 2015
Silcock, M., Payne, D. & Hocking, C. (2015). Governmentality within children’s technological play: Findings from a critical discourse analysis. Children & Society. 30 (2), 85-95.
Ali, N., Payne, D. & Hinckson, E. (2015). Being Muslim and Doing Islam: Narratives that Influence Physical Activity of Muslim Women in New Zealand. SITES, 12 (2), 106-132.
Gilkison, A. (2014). Sustainable midwifery practice [Editorial]. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal (49), 2.
Donald, H., Smythe, L., & McAra-Couper, J. (2014) LMC Midwives create a better work life balance. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, 49. 1-10.
d’ Entremont, M., Smythe, L., & McAra-Couper J. (2014). The sounds of silence-a hermeneutic interpretation of childbirth post excision. Health Care Women International. 35(3). 300-19
McAra-Couper J, Gilkison A, Crowther S, Hunter M, Hotchin C, Gunn J (2014) Partnership and reciprocity with women sustain Lead Maternity Carer midwives in practice New Zealand College of Midwives Journal. 49. 23-33
Payne, D., Guerin, B., Roy, D., Gidding, Farquhar, C. & McPherson, K. (2014). Taking it into account. Caring for disabled mothers during pregnancy and birth. International Journal of Childbirth, 4 (4), 228-239.
Smythe, L., Payne, D., Paddy, A. & Heard, K. (2014). Revealing tact within postnatal care. Qualitative Health Research, 24 (2), 163 – 171.
Gilkison, A., Giddings, L. S., & Smythe, L. (2013). The shaping of midwifery education in Aotearoa, New Zealand. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal (47), 18-23.
Book chapters
Pairman S, McAra-Couper J. ( 2015) Theoretical Frameworks for Midwifery Practice. Midwifery 3e Preparation for Practice. Pairman S, Pincombe J, Thorogood C, Tracy S (Eds) 383-411. Elsevier.
Gilkison, A. (2012). The antenatal journey. In S. Shaw, A. Haxell, & T. Weblemoe (Eds.), Communication across the lifespan (pp. 9-17). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
McAra-Couper, J. & Hunter, M. (2014) Midwifery. In Evidence-based health practice. Wright-St. Clair V, Reid DA, Shaw S, Ramsbotham J (Eds) 411-423. Oxford University Press.
MacKenzie-Green, B., Payne, D. & Nayar, S. (2014). Beginning the research process in Evidence-based Health Practice. V. Wright St Claire, D. Reid, S. Shaw & J. Ramsbottom (Eds). South Melbourne: Oxford University Press. 164-176.
Smythe, L., Payne, D., Wilson, S. & Wynyard, S. (2014). Providing a safe space for birth in Warkworth. In Global Case Studies in Maternal and Child Health. R.C. White (Ed). Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Leaning. 187 – 208.
Crowther, S., Smythe, E., & Spence, D. (2015). Kairos time at the moment of birth. Midwifery. doi:
Silcock, M., Payne, D. & Hocking, C. (2015). Governmentality within children’s technological play: Findings from a critical discourse analysis. Children & Society. DOI:10.1111/chso.12123
Crowther, S. (2014). Foregrounding Spirituality and Joy at Birth in Antenatal Education. International Journal of Childbirth Education, 29(4), 8-14
Crowther, S., Smythe, L., & Spence, D. (2014). Mood and birth experience. Women and Birth: journal of the Australian College of Midwives, 27(1), 21. doi:10.1016/j.wombi.2013.02.004
Crowther, S., Smythe, E., & Spence, D. (2014). The joy at birth: An interpretive hermeneutic literature review. Midwifery, 30(4), e157-e165. doi:10.1016/j.midw.2014.01.004
d’ Entremont, M., Smythe, L., & McAra-Couper J. (2014). The sounds of silence-a hermeneutic interpretation of childbirth post excision. Health Care Women International. 35(3). 300-19
Donald, H., Smythe, L., McAra-Couper, J. (2014). Creating a better work-life balance. NSCOM Journal 49, 5-10
Farry, A., & Crowther, S. (2014). Cultural safety in New Zealand midwifery practice: Part 1. The Practising Midwife, 17(6), 10-13
Farry, A., Crowther, S. (2014) Practising Midwife Cultural safety in New Zealand midwifery practice: Part 2 17(7), 29-33
McAra-Couper, J., Gilkison, A., Crowther, S., Hunter, M., Hotchin, C., & Gunn, J. (2014). Partnership and reciprocity with women sustain Lead Maternity Carer midwives in practice. NZCOM Journal 49, 23 - 33.
Payne, D., Guerin, B, Roy, D., Giddings, L. Farquhar, C., & Mc Pherson, K. (2014). Taking it into account. Caring for disabled mother during pregnancy and birth. International Journal of Childbirth 4 (4), 228 – 239
Smythe, L., Payne, D., Paddy, A. & Heard, K. (2014). Revealing tact within postnatal care. Qualitative Health Research, 24 (2), 163 – 171
Allot, L. Payne, D. & Dann, L. (2013). Midwifery and assisted reproductive technologies. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, 47, December, 10 – 13
Crowther, S. (2013). Sacred space at the moment of birth. Practising Midwife, 16(11),21-23
Griffith, C., McAra-Couper, J & Nayar, S. (2013). Staying Involved “Because the Need Seems so Huge”: Midwives working with Women Living in areas of High Deprivation. International Journal of Childbirth, 3(4). 218-232 doi:
Silcock, M., Hocking, C. & Payne, D. (2013). Childhood constructions of contemporary technology: Using discourse analysis to understand the creation of occupational possibilities. Journal of Occupational Science,
Crowther, S. (2012). Rwanda maternal health assessment. Auckland, NZ: World Vision New Zealand
Irving, L., McAra-Couper, J., & Smythe L. (2012). Shoulder Dystocia: A qualitative exploration of what works. Midwifery, doi:10,1016/j.midw.2011.05.007
Smythe, L., Payne, D., Wilson, S. & Wynyard. (2012). The dwelling place of postnatal care. Women & Birth. Http://
Walters, S., Payne, D., Schluter, P. & Thompson. R. (2012). “It Just Makes you Feel invincible”: A Foucauldian Analysis of Children’s Experiences of Organised Team Sports. Sport, Education and Society, 20:2, 241-257. doi: 10.1080/13573322.2012.745844
Walters, S., Schluter, P., Oldham, T., Thomson, R. & Payne, D. (2012). The sideline behaviour of coaches at children’s team sports games. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 13; 208 – 215
Crowther, S. (2011). Reading, evaluating and interpreting phenomenological research. Practising Midwife, 14(5), 36-39
Gilkison, A., Crowther, S., & Hunter, M. (2011). Comment on the Evers et al., (2010). Perinatal mortality and severe morbidity in low and high risk term pregnancies in the Netherlands. . New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, 44, 22-24
McAra-Couper, J., Jones, M., & Smythe, L. (2011). Caesarean-section, my body, my choice: The construction of ‘informed choice’ in relation to intervention in childbirth. Feminism and Psychology 22(1) 81-97
Crowther, S., Gilkison, A., & Hunter, M. (2010). Comment on the Wax et al., (2010) meta-analysis of home vs. hospital birth. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal (43), 19-21
Crowther, S. (2010). Are there opposing or complementary paradigms? Practising Midwife, 13(3), 4-5
Crowther, S. (2010). Blood tests for investigating maternal wellbeing. 2. Testing for anaemia in pregnancy. Practising Midwife, 13(10), 48-52
McAra-Couper J. and Hunter M. (2010). Is LSCS a Normal Delivery in the 21st Century? Obstetric and Gynaecology Magazine 12(4): 16-18
McAra-Couper, J., Jones, M., & Smythe, L. (2010). Rising rates of Intervention in childbirth. British Journal of Midwifery 18(3), 160-169
Crowther, S. (2009). New Zealand: The governance of midwifery practice. Practising Midwife, 12(3), 18-19
Crowther, S. (2008). Continuity of carer: Is it worth it? Practising Midwife, 11(1), 4-5.
Payne D, James L. (2008). Make or break. Mothers’ experiences of returning to paid employment and breastfeeding: a New Zealand study. Breastfeeding Review 2008; 16 (2): 21–27.
Smythe, L., Payne, D., Wilson, D., & Wynyard, S. (2008). Warkworth Birthing Centre: An appreciative inquiry. Auckland: AUT University and Warkworth Birthing Centre.
Payne D., & Goedeke, S. (2007). Holding together: Caring for clients undergoing assisted reproductive technology. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60(6), 645-653.
Payne, D. (2007). The roles of nurses working in ART. Australian Nursing Journal. 15(3), 38.
Payne, D., McPherson, K & Crerar, S. (2007). Managing Multiple Sclerosis & Motherhood. Families Commission. Wellington.
Crowther, S. (2006). Birthing position and women's experiences. Practising Midwife, 9(9), 34-35.
Crowther, S. (2006). Listen to your inner voice. Practising Midwife, 9(4), 4-5.
Crowther, S. (2006). Lotus birth: Leaving the cord alone. Practising Midwife, 9(6), 12-14.
Payne, D, Berman, S, Sturmfels, B., James, L, Leatham, B., Siakumi, M & Van Der Pol, V. (2006). Women’s experiences of infant feeding and returning to work: An overview of the findings. Breastfeeding Communique, 3, 23–26.
Payne, D. (2006). “Elderly primigravidas”: Mothers’ experiences. NZ Childbirth Education Association Journal, 2, 7–10.
Arthur, D. & Payne, D. (2005). Maternal request for an elective caesarean section. New Zealand Collge of Midwives. October. 33, 17-20.
Gilkison, A., Holland, D., Berman, S., McAra-Couper, J., Waller, N., Gunn, J., & Lennan, M., (2005). Defining normal birth: A student perspective. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, 32, 11-23.
Barlow, A., Hunter, M., Conroy, C., Lennan, M. (2004). An evaluation of the midwifery services at a New Zealand community maternity unit. New Zealand College of Midwives. 31, 7-11.
Gilkison, A. (2004). Problem-based learning tutor exercise: The need for different questions. Medical education, 38, 925-926
Payne, D. (2004). Recognising complexity and contradiction. Nursing Praxis in New Zealand. 20 (3), 13-20.
Vague, S. (2004). Midwives experiences of working with women in labour: Interpreting the meaning of pain. New Zealand College of Midwives. 31, 22-26.
Barlow, A (2004) Evaluation research: using comprehensive methods for improving healthcare practices. Royal College of Midwives: Evidence Based Midwifery, 2 (1), 4-7.
Diekelmann, N., & Gunn, J. (2004). Teachers going back to school: Being a student again. Journal of Nursing Education, 43 (7), 293-296.
Barlow, A., Berman.,S. & Koziol-McLain, J. (2004). Evaluation of a Family Violence Prevention Education Programme for Midwives. Auckland: Auckland University of Technology
Barlow, A., Hunter, M., Lennan,M. & Conroy, C. (2003) An Evaluation of the Midwifery Services at Papakura Maternity Unit. Auckland: Auckland University of Technology
Gilkison, A. (2003) Techniques used by 'expert' and 'non-expert' tutors to facilitate problem-based learning tutorials in an undergraduate medical curriculum. Medical Education 37 (1), 6-14.
Hunter, M (2003). Autonomy, clinical freedom and responsibility. In M. Kirkham (Ed.), Birth Centres: A Social Model for Maternity Care. London: Books for Midwives
Barlow, A., Hardie, A., Holland, D., Hunter, M., McAra-Couper, J.,& Berman, S. (2002). Midwifery decision-making and management of the 3rd stage of labour. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal 27, pp.23-29
Burvill, S. (2002). Midwifery diagnosis of labour onset. British Journal of Midwifery, 10(10), 600-605
Book chapters
Thorogood, C., Crowther, S. (2015) Midwifery Preparation for Practice 3rd edition. Text book chapter: Challenges to Women’s Health in Midwifery Practice.
Burvill, S. (maiden name) (2005). Managing breech presentation in the absence of obstetric assistance. In V. Woodward, K. Bates, & N. Young (Eds.), Managing childbirth emergencies in community settings (57354403, pp. 111-138). Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (now re written by invitation from Palgrave Macmillan publication Aug 2015)