Five questions with Prof. Nick Nguyen

12 Mar, 2020
Five questions with Prof. Nick Nguyen

Being a logical thinker made Professor Nick Nguyen the perfect fit for research in the area of finance.

We asked Nick five questions ahead of his Inaugural Professorial Address – he discussed his research on liquidity and transaction costs, how American politics affect financial markets and what the title of Professor means to him.

“I like to help and give back, and that brings in responsibility and helps me to think of ways to encourage my students in terms of pushing their boundaries further,” he said.

Attention, meditation and financial markets: how lack of focus can affect investments

This is a free public lecture and everyone is welcome. Refreshments will be served afterwards.

When: Tuesday 24 March, 4.30pm – 5.30pm

Where: WA Conference Centre, City Campus

Find out more about the Professorial Address

Watch the video