A new $10,000 PhD scholarship

03 Nov, 2020
A new PhD scholarship
The late Emeritus Professor Nicholas Tarling

A new scholarship worth $10,000 will support a student starting or undertaking their PhD at AUT in a topic focused on Southeast Asia.

The Nicholas Tarling PhD Scholarship in Southeast Asia Studies was established in memory of Emeritus Professor Nicholas Tarling. The scholarship will be offered to one student annually, beginning in 2021 and ending in 2026; a total of $50,000 over five years.

The Nicholas Tarling Charitable Trust Chairperson, Tara Jahn-Werner says Professor Tarling was internationally renowned for his work on the history of Southeast Asia. “Instigating a PhD scholarship at AUT is an excellent way of meeting Professor Tarling’s objectives. I am sure he would be delighted if he knew that trustees are offering an annual scholarship in his area of academic research.”

Lester Khoo, Group Director of AUT International, knew Professor Tarling personally and says the legacy he has left will help to advance New Zealand’s interest in the subject. “Supporting research into Southeast Asia will help increase our understanding of the region and culture and ultimately, grow our student and staff opportunities,” he says.

Head of the Scholarships Office Trish Richardson says the financial support provided by this scholarship will be huge. “One of the biggest barriers to students continuing their study is the cost, both of the programme and living expenses while studying. We’re incredibly grateful to The Nicholas Tarling Charitable Trust for funding this scholarship as this will alleviate students’ financial stress and therefore allow them to focus more on their research,” she says.

Applications for the scholarship will close on Friday 20 November. Find out more about the selection criteria and application process.