Law news


COVID shows inequities among school kids

24 Aug, 2020
Kids should be kids – but a growing number of children in our country that are not afforded that privilege, writes Khylee Quince.

Modern slavery expert makes global news

07 Aug, 2020
NZ’s first conviction for modern slavery has generated a whirlwind of international media activity for a new member of the Law School.
Khylee Quince

Why hairstyle is a human right

05 Aug, 2020
AUT law expert Khylee Quince waxes lyrical and legal about freedom, culture and identity, from peroxide punk to the rat’s tail.

How will court deal with ChCh killer?

20 Jul, 2020
Tensions are high as the sentencing of the ChCh gunman approaches. His decision to defend himself fuels the case, says Law Professor Kris Gledhill.
Will life mean the life

Will “life” be “whole life” for gunman?

07 Jul, 2020
The judge will consider a number of factors when sentencing the man who killed 51 in the ChCh mosque attacks, writes Law Professor Kris Gledhill.
Black lives matter

Black lives matter and NZ police reform

11 Jun, 2020
As the Black Lives Matter protests spread from the US to NZ, the wero is about facing institutional racism at home, say Katey Thom and Khylee Quince.

Calls to protect against modern slavery

11 May, 2020
NZ Government must protect most vulnerable workers during COVID-19.
NZ Police_Covid

Was NZ’s coronavirus lockdown legal?

11 May, 2020
As New Zealand approaches the end of its strictest lockdown period, a debate has begun about whether it was legal in the first place.
BEL_covid experts

Our experts weigh in on COVID-19

21 Apr, 2020
Business, Economics and Law academics contribute to the global conversation about COVID-19.
Digital platform

Vital to protect human rights online

15 Apr, 2020
As use of digital platforms surges, two AUT academics explain why we’ll need stronger global efforts to protect human rights online.


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