Dr Anil Narayan

Senior Lecturer - Accounting

Dr Anil Narayan

Dr Anil Narayan was born and bred in Fiji and came to New Zealand in the late eighties for a job opportunity.

“The Pacific means a lot to me. I have empathy for Pacific students, as I was once a student on a government scholarship studying overseas. I understand some of the difficulties Pacific students face in the tertiary education environment.”

Anil has been undertaking research with another colleague for the past two years. They are trying to find out what challenges Pacific students face when studying accounting and how to help them succeed in pursuing accounting as a career.

“I always try to be sympathetic to the student’s needs and offer encouragement and support.

“As I share the same background, I know that motivation, encouragement and support will help them succeed.”

Teaching success

Having completed his Doctor of Philosophy in 2010, looking at the accountability of universities to commercialise research, Anil is very research active which is a major part of his job as an academic.

Anil chose this research topic as it is an area in accounting that hasn’t really been looked at yet.

“I noticed many universities were providing more information about commercialisation in their annual reports, so I thought this would be a good area to start investigating: What is the responsibility of universities when it comes to commercialisation?”

Anil says teaching and supervising postgraduate students is his favourite part of the position, and he even finds time to teach the professional modular of the CPA Accounting exams on Saturdays.

In search of an effective governance model of academic research commercialisation

Accountability towards enabling commercialisation of research in public tertiary education institutions

Accounting and accountability challenges implementing sustainability in tertiary organisations.

The role of government and accounting in the development of academic research commercialization: The New Zealand experience.

“My Pacific culture underpins how I engage daily in a respectful way with everyone.”