Pacific Tourism Data Initiative

The overall goal of the Pacific Tourism Data Initiative is to increase evidence-based tourism decision making in the Pacific to strengthen sustainable economic development.

Included in this research

  • International visitor survey (IVS) for each destination as a core source of data, monitoring visitor satisfaction, expenditure and perceptions of recent travel experiences
  • In many nations, a business perspective on tourism performance through industry surveys
  • For the Cook Islands and Niue, national surveys of community awareness of, and attitudes towards, tourism

These sources of data combined help us to build Tourism Decision Support Systems for each of the countries.

Countries covered by this research

  • The longest running programme of work is in the Cook Islands where the IVS has been running continually for since 2012 and where regular business and community surveys are now also run
  • With the support of IFC/World Bank and the US Department of Interior this work spread to Vanuatu and the Federated States of Micronesia (Yap) in 2015
  • In 2017, New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade picked up the funding of the Vanuatu programme and also introduced Samoa, Niue and Solomon Islands to the programme
  • In 2017, the IFC/World Bank began funding the IVS in Papua New Guinea, work which is now funded direct by the PNG Government
  • In 2021 works began to bring onboard Tonga, Kiribati and Timor Leste

Resources and outputs of the Pacific Tourism Data Initiative

Select a country below to learn more about the resources that have been developed.

International visitor survey


Business survey and confidence index

Cook Islands community attitudes toward tourism survey


  • Cook Islands - IVS Insights - Aitutaki - NZ Visitors - 2012 to 2020
  • Cook Islands - IVS Insights - New South Wales visitors travelling with Air NZ - 2014 to 2021
  • Cook Islands - IVS Insights - New South Wales visitors - 2014 to 2021
  • Cook Islands - IVS Insights - California visitors - 2014 to 2020
  • Cook Islands - IVS Insights - Access Tourism 70+ visitors - 2016 to 2021
  • Cook Islands - NZ Travel Bubble Visitors - May 2021 to June 2021
  • Cook Islands - Datamining for Marine Ecosystem Services Valuation - December 2020
  • Cook Islands - Covid-19 Visitor Insights - September 2020
  • Cook Islands - Soft Adventure Visitor Characteristics - 2016 to 2019
  • Cook Islands - Wedding Party and Honeymoon Segments 2012-2017 - August 2018
  • Cook Islands - Pearl Shopper Characteristics - July 2018
  • Cook Islands - Wedding Party Visitor Characteristics - January 2017
  • Cook Islands - Soft Adventure Visitor Characteristics - January 2017
  • Cook Islands - Te Maeva Nui Event Analysis - April 2016
  • Cook Islands - Visitor Characteristics by Accommodation Type - August 2015
  • Cook Islands - Outer Island Visitor Characteristics and Impacts - August 2015
  • Cook Islands - Market Segment Analysis - October 2014

International visitor survey

Business survey


International visitor survey

Business survey



International visitor survey

Business survey

Community survey


International visitor survey


Domestic expatriate tourism

Business survey


The New Zealand Tourism Research Institute was engaged by the IFC/World Bank to conduct the Papua New Guinea International Visitor survey from 2017.

NZTRI worked with the PNG Tourism Promotion Authority to collect data on the ground.

The data collected from the survey provides insight into the travel trends and market needs of international visitors. Information collected from the survey has helped Papua New Guinea develop its national tourism policy.

To learn more about this project you can also visit PNG Tourism Promotions Authority.

International Visitor Survey

Papua New Guinea informational videos

Yap is a small island state and part of the Federated States of Micronesia. The Yap Visitors Bureau and NZTRI partnered from 2015 on to facilitate an International Visitors Survey. NZTRI also undertook the development of the Visit Yap App, a mobile app for visitors to the island.

NZTRI involvement in this research

The research information on this web page was formerly conducted under the auspices of the New Zealand Tourism Research Institute (NZTRI).